Happy Feet Class
Ages 3-5 yrs.
Saturdays 12-1pm
Through exercises, activities, and traditional music, the focus is to teach these little happy feet about dance while keeping the fun in the forefront. Every week children will learn about the fundamentals of dance, including positions and terminology. They will also gain knowledge of how to move their bodies musically, by learning to count to music. Throughout the year, they will learn and explore Caribbean culture in fun and exciting ways.
They do not take part in any competitions but participate in our recital(s).
Black dance attire (D-LYFE shirt, black bodysuit or tank, black opaque tights) are required to encourage uniform and discipline. No shoes are required as this class is done in bare feet.
Please note: Parents are not permitted in the studio during classes, however periodically will be invited in for informal showings.
Senior Core Class
Ages 10-16 yrs.
Saturdays 1-3pm
This class is open to children with some to no dance experience. Each class starts with warm-up and exercises to develop and encourage a healthy lifestyle as well as increase strength and flexibility. Fundamentals of dance, including positions and terminology will be taught, as well as musicality. Different from the Junior class, leadership, personal accountability, and discipline are strongly encouraged. For one half of the class, dancers will learn traditional Caribbean or Contemporary dance styles, ranging from folk and African to modern and spiritual dances. The other half of the class is spent learning more urban dance styles, such as Hip-Hop, Dancehall and Soca. Once a month dancers will be taught by a guest teacher who will explore other cross-cultural styles or techniques. In the past, we have had teachers from Trinidad, LA, NYC and local Torontonians, sharing their expertise on drumming, step, belly dancing and acro, to name a few.
Routines and combinations will be taught for folk competition, recitals and performance use.
Black dance attire (D-LYFE shirt, black bodysuit or tank, black opaque tights) is required to encourage uniformity and discipline. Classes are done in bare feet, unless otherwise instructed by D’LYFE faculty to bring sneakers for appropriate classes. Black shoes are needed for performances.
Please note: Parents are not permitted in the studio during classes, however periodically will be invited in for informal showings.
Junior Core Class
Ages 6-9 yrs.
Saturdays 12-2pm
This class is open to children with some to no dance experience. Each class starts with warm-up and exercises to develop and encourage a healthy lifestyle as well as increase strength and flexibility. Fundamentals of dance, including positions and terminology will be taught, as well as musicality. For one half of the class, dancers will learn traditional Caribbean or Contemporary dance styles, ranging from folk and African to modern and spiritual dances. The other half of the class is spent learning more urban dance styles, such as Hip-Hop, Dancehall and Soca. Once a month dancers will be taught by a guest teacher who will explore other cross-cultural styles or techniques. In the past, we have had teachers from Trinidad, LA, NYC and local Torontonians, sharing their expertise on drumming, step, belly dancing and acro, to name a few.
Routines and combinations will be taught for folk competition, recitals and performance use.
Black dance attire (D-LYFE shirt, black bodysuit or tank, black opaque tights) is required to encourage uniformity and discipline. Classes are done in bare feet, unless otherwise instructed by D’LYFE faculty to bring sneakers for appropriate classes. Black shoes are needed for performances.
Please note: Parents are not permitted in the studio during classes, however periodically will be invited in for informal showings.
Competitive/Performance Team
(by invitational audition only)
Ages 10-16
Saturdays 1-3pm & Mondays 6-8pm
(alternate location)
An additional $75 + Core Class Fee (per member, per term)
This team will be comprised of dancers who will represent the company on a higher competitive level over the course of the year. In addition to the core classes, dancers will be required to attend an additional weekly class with more technical and intense training by the D’LYFE faculty. Dancers will also be encouraged to attend various classes and workshop to enrich their dance exposure. The competitive team requires greater commitment from both dancers and parents towards accelerated, successful development.
D’LYFE attire is mandatory, in addition to black dance attire (D-LYFE shirt, black bodysuit, black opaque tights). The goal is to develop professionalism, uniformity, and discipline. Classes are done in bare feet and/or dance shoes, as instructed by D’LYFE faculty. Shoes will also be required for competitions and performances as specified.