2020-21 D’LYFE season
We hope this message finds you well and most importantly safe. It’s that time of year again. We are back with another D’LYFE Season. We hope you missed us as much as we missed you. Although we are still in unprecedented times, our mission is still to continue to share and deliver Dance & Drum programming to our D’LYFE Family. To our new and interested D’LYFE members, we welcome you!
Registration for the 2020-21 D’LYFE season takes place online September 19, 2020 – October 3rd, 2020.
D'LYFE Registration Form 2020/21Please also see the attached flyer for dance session details and fees. Please note that registration and deposit are for Term 1 only; Term 2 and Term 3 registration dates will be established in the future. ALL dancers (new and returning) must complete a registration form. Payment methods include:
- Email Money Transfer to info@dlyfedance.com
- Cheque payable to “D’LYFE Dance Company”
Classes start on Saturday, October 3rd, 2020. Classes will start virtually for Term 1 but may change with notice, in alignment with city health and safety protocols permitting us to resume in-person classes. Detailed information regarding dance attire and class structure will be distributed during registration.
Information for D’LYFE Plus programming will be disclosed as it becomes available.
Thank you in advance for choosing the D’LYFE for your child’s development. This year will be a little different but filled with the same D’LYFE experience.
See everyone soon.